How to maintain lust in a long-term relationship, Sex Shop 101
The decline in desire in people who live in long-term relationships, although it is quite normal and is part of the process of the relationship, often causes a lot of anxiety. When we start to notice that our desire, our excitement, our intimacy, and our sex shop are starting to look different, we start to look for the worst causes - lack of love, betrayal, burnout, and this is associated with difficult emotions that are not easy to deal with.After all, we are taught (for example by pop culture) that desire in a relationship must always remain at the highest level. Today it will be a little bit about the fact that this is not true and a bit about how to deal with these (normal) declines.
Desire fluctuations are normal
It's not true that lust in relationships is always at the same, very high level. In the cycle of the formation and duration of relations, the intensity of desire fluctuates and is distributed differently. At the very beginning, as our hormones respond to novelty and excitement, desire is most often the highest and the strongest. We want sex toys online very much, we get horny easily. As the relationship stabilizes, desire also stabilizes.
And what is important to know - desire is a very sensitive indicator and is influenced by many things! First of all, our health condition, the lifestyle we lead (diet, physical activity, amount of sleep and stress), all private and professional problems and, of course, all relationship problems.Periodic fluctuations in the level of desire in a relationship are absolutely normal. And they don't have to mean something bad automatically. But how do you take care of this desire just like that? How to make it stay high for as long as possible and be as less susceptible to all changes as possible? Fortunately, this question can be answered with the help of science!
The right level of expectations
Research shows that it is the awareness that sex shop in a relationship may not always be perfect, libido may not always be at the highest level, and arousal may not always be easily achievable is the key to ensuring that desire does not burn out. It is these couples who can let go and understand that their sex will change, will have better times and worse times, are better at maintaining their lust.This is a very important thing - to understand that our sex life does not have to be perfect and always at the highest level, because it is simply impossible. We have to be more understanding with each other. I will be better and worse days.
The union is made up of individuals
Entering into a relationship, we must not forget about ourselves and that we create separate, independent and valuable beings.When two (or more) people form one, it is very difficult to arouse desire for each other, which needs a bit of mystery and surprise.We have the right to have our passions, our own space and we have the right to spend time separately. Of course, sometimes you have to compromise in a relationship, and that's normal, but we can't sacrifice ourselves entirely for the other person. When two (or more) people form one, it is very difficult to arouse desire for each other, which needs a bit of mystery and surprise.Do not give up on yourself - on your dreams, interests, beloved work, friends or even that part of your sexuality that will only be yours.
Joint Sex Shop Development
Developing sexuality will definitely help in maintaining your desire. What is important is that all people in a relationship want to develop and put sex high on their priority list. Spontaneous sex is great, but it happens that various factors stop it from appearing in a relationship. And then it is worth planning it and making a decision to make this sex appear.And into this sex shop, you can start introducing things that will be mutually developing for you. There may be little things that you want to try - a new position, a change of place in your home where you usually have sex, a date, or something bigger like a candle massage or introducing a sexual gadget into your life . It's just worth looking for something that will suit us and will develop us sexually. Sometimes it is enough to just talk about fantasies!
Taking care of each other's needs
Actively responding to the needs of a partner is a very important component of desire. A relationship is about wanting to make decisions that will make the other person happy. And of course, it's not about decisions that make us act against ourselves, but things that we can easily do are neutral to us, and we know they're extremely important to the other person.In terms of sex, it may be, for example, the desire to implement a partner's idea ( butt caressing ? Role play ? But responding to the needs of the other person in this way is also important in everyday life as well.Of course, there are many different components to keeping desire in a relationship. We can mention, for example, the level of commitment to the relationship (desire is fostered by equal contribution to the relationship of all people), similar sexual needs (you can work on sexual compatibility), self-confidence, considering your partner a sexually attractive person, and the quality of the relationship.The most important thing, however, is to know that desire doesn't have to go away in long-term relationships. It can change, it can mature, it can be different in different periods of a relationship, but it exists, lasts and develops. And we can help him and we can take care of him.