Rotary, reciprocating and reciprocating-rotating vibrators provide a lot of amazing sensations that cannot be mistaken for anything else. What are their advantages over traditional vibrators? Will they be the first gadget of this type?
How To Use Sex Toys? How Does The Reciprocative Rotary Vibrator Work?
It would seem that the matter is simple: a vibrator is a vibrator, that's it. Unfortunately - or maybe "fortunately" - it is not that simple. Do you remember "There was a life"? Imagine this guy with a gray beard who - for a change - pulls a vibrator out of its recesses and begins to tell his story ... In the past, a dildo was enough for happiness and a nice orgasm . Then, to make life easier for yourself and for others - someone had a brilliant idea and stuffed a vibration-generating engine inside. Thanks to this, in order to achieve pleasure, there was no longer any need to imitate frictional movements and the hands could do something more pleasant. Soon, mini vibrators also appeared - and these in turn became an inspiration to create vibrating eggs .
Okay, it wasn't like that at all. The first vibrator was made to heal women from hysteria - but suppose the old man with the beard knows better. The common denominator of the vibrators mentioned above is the pleasure triggering mechanism: vibration. Their advantages have already been discovered by our mothers and grandmothers - and they were in the times of the People's Republic of Poland! The first automatic washing machines, during spinning, vibrated so much that they began to move across the floor. So the simplest patent was to sit on it and load it in this way (what country, such a rodeo ...), which many times ended with a departure - not the washing machine, but the woman sitting on it.
Rotary and sliding vibrators it's not an onion rodeo anymore, just a pretty good ride. The motors mounted in them rotate the tip of the vibrator, providing a new dimension of stimulation (rotational) or - excuse the comparison - they work like a stroke in a drill: they make an up-down (sliding) movement, i.e. they imitate the natural thrusts of the penis. In some of them, even the rotational movement of the head with thrusts was combined , which resulted in the famous novel "In 80 Seconds Around the Orgasm" (Julia Vierna wrote it - or I was crazy ...).
What Are Sex Toys? Who Are Rotary And Adjustable Vibrators Suitable For?
If they were traded in the neighborhood, the answer would be simple: a little face, for everyone! Forget the golden advice like "for your first vibrator it's best to buy something small and delicate" or "it's better to start with a dildo". Each woman is different, each one is different. One enjoys gentle and romantic sex with sex toys, the other will only come from behind, with his buttocks red from spanking and his hand clamped tightly against his hair, right next to his skin. So trust yourself and choose a vibrator adequate to your appetite and experience. If it is to be your first mechanical friend - a model with several levels of power output will work well (if you need more information, read the text on what to pay attention to when buying a vibrator ). Save more powerful models, which you can use in your spare time to chisel tiles in the bathroom, for later. Replacing a dildo with a vibrator is more or less like trying to replace the Yamaha R6 with a bicycle. If, on the other hand, you are looking for the next time to add to your collection - what can I say: you know best what you need. Among both rotary and sliding vibrators, you will surely find models that will take care of your pleasure in a completely new way. Who knows, maybe it will be love at first insertion? Just don't forget to use water-based lubricant , and after the fun is finished, it is good to clean the butt plug as soon as possible, which will help you enjoy it for a long time and safely.
How To Buy Sex Toys? Is It Worth Using Them? Discover Their Advantages
You are probably wondering if it is worth reaching for - especially if you already have some gadgets hidden from prying eyes at the bottom of the drawer. I suggest that you try to answer the following questions:
have you ever dreamed of experiencing an exceptionally strong and intense orgasm?
Would you like to get to know your body and its reactions better in order to achieve pleasure faster?
have you experienced multiple orgasms yet?
Take it easy, there are no wrong answers here. From myself I can add that sliding, rotary or reciprocating vibrators provide the best stimulation, the most similar to natural patterns - with the difference, however, that they never finish ahead of time, they do not stink another woman, they do not fart during and will not turn around when you want more. They will do better than great! Both in the leading role, as well as complement the games with your partner, disrupting the routine and providing a large dose of new emotions to your intimate relationship. There is one last argument: why should you deny yourself pleasure - probably not because of the calories?