A good, stable erection in the eyes of the public is one of the main and inalienable attributes of a “real” man. Women also care about a good libido, but not to the same extent as men. For many of them, the loss of an erection is literally tantamount to death - at least in bed life use sex spray. Many men, especially in the age group over 40, sooner or later go through this crisis, puzzling over how to increase erections. Our material today is aimed at dispelling some of the outdated myths about erectile dysfunction, as well as an analysis of the fears that accompany this unpleasant, but removable problem.
The root causes of the deterioration of libido
Since an erection is essentially the filling of the penis with blood under the influence of certain physiological and psychological stimuli, the state of the heart muscle and the circulatory system as a whole plays a sex spray in men's health, including sexual health. Thus, regular cardio loads can both increase erection and improve well-being in general. Just do not go too far and despair of 1000 jumps with a rope in one go. Even regular walking at a moderate pace will gradually make you feel better. Alternatively, you can join a gym and use cardio equipment under the supervision of a trainer. The main thing is to dispel a sedentary lifestyle. Having achieved certain results in improving libido, you can proceed to the next step - the duration of sexual intercourse. If you are still not sure whether you can withstand the pressure of passion for long enough, you can pay attention to erection rings .
These products will help you maintain a strong erection throughout the night, which will amuse you and please your passion, especially if you choose the Pornhub Vibrating Cock Ring with additional vibration stimulation. Alternatively, you can choose prolongators - miraculous substances that allow you to stretch the act of love for an infinitely long time. But the psychological factor should not be ignored. Stress can directly affect your libido and more. Try to eliminate the sources of negativity from your life, or at least keep them in check, preventing them from affecting your personal life. Sometimes a change of environment can have the most positive effect on well-being. Physical exercise will come in handy here. A recent article published by the Washington Post confirms that exercise can help reduce anxiety significantly. In case both of these methods fail, or you are thinking of other methods to increase your erection, then you can always try energizing drops , pheromone perfumes or lubricants for men . These are proven remedies that have helped men for years in improving libido and restoring male strength. Do not forget about other equally important aspects of men's health - proper nutrition and timely rest. Stopping excessive drinking and quitting smoking is a great start. It will not be superfluous to revise the diet in favor of a healthy diet. Regular sleep also plays an important role. Having established a sleep schedule and giving it at least 7 hours a day, you will almost certainly immediately notice positive improvements in libido due to improved biorhythms and stable production of the necessary hormones.
We hope that our advice will help you achieve your goal and you will never again have to wonder “how to increase an erection?”. As always, take care of yourself, buy only high-quality sex toys in Toys For Love , and, of course, do not deny yourself anything in bed! In the meantime, you can read our fresh material on how effective a BDSM electrical stimulator is and what sex toys can help you in anal sex .